Entity: rom_ctrl


BootRomInitFile logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts bit [63:0] RndCnstScrNonce bit [127:0] RndCnstScrKey bit SecDisableScrambling clk_i rst_ni rom_cfg_t rom_cfg_i rom_tl_i regs_tl_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i kmac_data_i rom_tl_o regs_tl_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o pwrmgr_data_o keymgr_data_o kmac_data_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Generic name Type Value Description
BootRomInitFile ""
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined
RndCnstScrNonce bit [63:0] '0
RndCnstScrKey bit [127:0] '0
SecDisableScrambling bit 1'b0 Disable all (de)scrambling operation. This disables both the scrambling block and the boot-time checker. Don't use this in a real chip, but it's handy for small FPGA targets where we don't want to spend area on unused scrambling.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
rom_cfg_i input rom_cfg_t ROM configuration parameters
rom_tl_i input
rom_tl_o output
regs_tl_i input
regs_tl_o output
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
pwrmgr_data_o output Connections to other blocks
keymgr_data_o output
kmac_data_i input
kmac_data_o output


Name Type Description
rom_select logic
rom_index logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0]
rom_req logic
rom_scr_rdata logic [DataWidth-1:0]
rom_clr_rdata logic [DataWidth-1:0]
rom_rvalid logic
bus_rom_index logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0]
bus_rom_req logic
bus_rom_gnt logic
bus_rom_rdata logic [DataWidth-1:0]
bus_rom_rvalid logic
checker_rom_index logic [RomIndexWidth-1:0]
checker_rom_req logic
checker_rom_rdata logic [DataWidth-1:0]
kmac_rom_data logic [63:0] Pack / unpack kmac connection data ========================================
kmac_rom_rdy logic
kmac_rom_vld logic
kmac_rom_last logic
kmac_done logic
kmac_digest logic [255:0]
tl_rom_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t TL interface ==============================================================
tl_rom_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
rom_reg_integrity_error logic
rom_integrity_error logic Bus -> ROM adapter ========================================================
mux_alert logic The mux ===================================================================
reg2hw rom_ctrl_regs_reg2hw_t Register block ============================================================
hw2reg rom_ctrl_regs_hw2reg_t
reg_integrity_error logic
digest_q logic [255:0] The checker FSM ===========================================================
exp_digest_q logic [255:0] The checker FSM ===========================================================
digest_d logic [255:0]
digest_de logic
exp_digest_word_d logic [31:0]
exp_digest_de logic
exp_digest_idx logic [2:0]
checker_alert logic
bus_integrity_error logic
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0] Alert generation ==========================================================
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
RomSizeByte int unsigned ROM_CTRL_ROM_SIZE ROM_CTRL_ROM_SIZE is auto-generated by regtool and comes from the bus window size, measured in bytes of content (i.e. 4 times the number of 32 bit words).
RomSizeWords int unsigned RomSizeByte >> 2
RomIndexWidth int unsigned vbits(RomSizeWords)
DataWidth int unsigned SecDisableScrambling ? 32 : 39 DataWidth is normally 39, representing 32 bits of actual data plus 7 ECC check bits. If scrambling is disabled ("insecure mode"), we store a raw 32-bit image and generate ECC check bits on the fly.
