Entity: rom_ctrl_fsm


int RomDepth int TopCount clk_i rst_ni [TopCount*32-1:0] digest_i [TopCount*32-1:0] exp_digest_i kmac_rom_rdy_i kmac_done_i [TopCount*32-1:0] kmac_digest_i [31:0] rom_data_i [TopCount*32-1:0] digest_o digest_vld_o [31:0] exp_digest_o exp_digest_vld_o [vbits(TopCount)-1:0] exp_digest_idx_o pwrmgr_data_o keymgr_data_o kmac_rom_vld_o kmac_rom_last_o rom_select_o [vbits(RomDepth)-1:0] rom_addr_o rom_req_o alert_o


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The ROM checker FSM module


Generic name Type Value Description
RomDepth int 16
TopCount int 8


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
digest_i input [TopCount*32-1:0] CSR inputs for DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST. To make the indexing look nicer, these are ordered so that DIGEST_0 is the bottom 32 bits (they get reversed while we're shuffling around the wires in rom_ctrl).
exp_digest_i input [TopCount*32-1:0]
digest_o output [TopCount*32-1:0] CSR outputs for DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST. Ordered with word 0 as LSB.
digest_vld_o output
exp_digest_o output [31:0]
exp_digest_vld_o output
exp_digest_idx_o output [vbits(TopCount)-1:0]
pwrmgr_data_o output To power manager and key manager
keymgr_data_o output
kmac_rom_rdy_i input To KMAC (ROM data)
kmac_rom_vld_o output
kmac_rom_last_o output
kmac_done_i input To KMAC (digest data)
kmac_digest_i input [TopCount*32-1:0]
rom_select_o output To ROM mux
rom_addr_o output [vbits(RomDepth)-1:0]
rom_req_o output
rom_data_i input [31:0] Raw bits from ROM
alert_o output To alert system


Name Type Description
counter_done logic The counter / address generator
counter_read_addr logic [AW-1:0]
counter_read_req logic
counter_data_addr logic [AW-1:0]
counter_data_rdy logic
counter_data_vld logic
counter_lnt logic
start_checker_q logic The compare block (responsible for comparing CSR data and forwarding it to the key manager)
checker_done logic
checker_good logic
checker_alert logic
state_q logic [5:0]
state_d logic [5:0]
fsm_alert logic
reading_top logic Snoop on ROM reads to populate EXP_DIGEST, one word at a time
rel_addr_wide logic [AW-1:0]
rel_addr logic [TAW-1:0]
unused_top_rel_addr_wide logic


Name Type Value Description
AW int vbits(RomDepth)
TAW int vbits(TopCount)
TopStartAddrInt int unsigned RomDepth - TopCount
TopStartAddr bit [AW-1:0] undefined


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [5:0] {
ReadingLow = 6'b111101,
ReadingHigh = 6'b110110,
RomAhead = 6'b000011,
KmacAhead = 6'b101010,
Checking = 6'b010000,
Done = 6'b001100 }
Main FSM
There are the following logical states
ReadingLow: We're reading the low part of ROM and passing it to KMAC ReadingHigh: We're reading the high part of ROM and waiting for KMAC RomAhead: We've finished reading the high part of ROM, but are still waiting for KMAC KmacAhead: KMAC is done, but we're still reading the high part of ROM Checking: We are comparing DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST and sending data to keymgr Done: Terminal state
The FSM is linear, except for the branch where reading the high part of ROM races with getting the result back from KMAC.
digraph fsm { ReadingLow -> ReadingHigh; ReadingHigh -> RomAhead; ReadingHigh -> KmacAhead; RomAhead -> Checking; KmacAhead -> Checking; Checking -> Done; Done [peripheries=2]; }
Encoding generated with: $ util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 6 -n 6 -s 2 --language=sv
Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3:


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Start the checker when transitioning into the "Checking" state
