Entity: rom_ctrl_scrambled_rom


MemInitFile int Width int Depth bit [63:0] ScrNonce bit [127:0] ScrKey int Aw clk_i rst_ni req_i [Aw-1:0] addr_i rom_cfg_t cfg_i rvalid_o [Width-1:0] scr_rdata_o [Width-1:0] clr_rdata_o


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A scrambled ROM. This is scrambled with a fixed key, passed in as a parameter (this parameter will be a compile-time random constant).

This code follows the structure of prim_ram_1p_scr.sv (although it's much simplified because the key is fixed and we don't support writes). For more information about what is going on, see that file. Using the parameter names in prim_ram_1p_scr, we have NumPrinceRoundsHalf = 2 (so approximately 5 effective rounds), NumDiffRounds = 2 and NumAddrScrRounds = 2 (enabling address scrambling with 2 rounds).


Generic name Type Value Description
MemInitFile "" The initial contents of the ROM. This is used for synthesis. For simulation, this is not used; instead, the simulator loads the contents of ROM over DPI.
In either case, the input file should be scrambled. That is, it should contain the bits that will appear in the physical ROM.
Width int 40 The width of ROM words in bits
Depth int 16 The number of words in the ROM
ScrNonce bit [63:0] '0 The nonce for data and address scrambling
ScrKey bit [127:0] '0 The (fixed) key for the PRINCE cipher
Aw int $clog2(Depth)


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
req_i input
addr_i input [Aw-1:0]
rvalid_o output
scr_rdata_o output [Width-1:0]
clr_rdata_o output [Width-1:0]
cfg_i input rom_cfg_t


Name Type Description
addr_scr logic [Aw-1:0] Address scrambling ========================================================
keystream logic [63:0] Keystream generation ======================================================
rdata_scr logic [Width-1:0] The physical ROM ==========================================================
rdata_xor logic [Width-1:0] Data scrambling ===========================================================


Name Type Value Description
Aw int $clog2(Depth)
DataScrNonce bit [63-Aw:0] ScrNonce[63-Aw:0]
AddrScrNonce bit [Aw-1:0] ScrNonce[63-:Aw]
