Entity: rv_dm


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts logic [31:0] IdcodeValue clk_i rst_ni lc_hw_debug_en_i scanmode_i scan_rst_ni [NrHarts-1:0] unavailable_i regs_tl_d_i rom_tl_d_i sba_tl_h_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i jtag_i ndmreset_req_o dmactive_o [NrHarts-1:0] debug_req_o regs_tl_d_o rom_tl_d_o sba_tl_h_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o jtag_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Top-level debug module (DM)

This module implements the RISC-V debug specification version 0.13,

This toplevel wraps the PULP debug module available from https://github.com/pulp-platform/riscv-dbg to match the needs of the TL-UL-based lowRISC chip design.


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined
IdcodeValue logic [31:0] _0001


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input clock
rst_ni input asynchronous reset active low, connect PoR
lc_hw_debug_en_i input here, not the system reset
scanmode_i input
scan_rst_ni input
ndmreset_req_o output non-debug module reset
dmactive_o output debug module is active
debug_req_o output [NrHarts-1:0] async debug request
unavailable_i input [NrHarts-1:0] communicate whether the hart is unavailable
regs_tl_d_i input (e.g.: power down) bus device for comportable CSR access
regs_tl_d_o output
rom_tl_d_i input bus device with debug memory, for an execution based technique
rom_tl_d_o output
sba_tl_h_o output bus host, for system bus accesses
sba_tl_h_i input
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
jtag_i input
jtag_o output


Name Type Description
rom_tl_win_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t CSR Nodes
rom_tl_win_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
regs_reg2hw rv_dm_reg_pkg::rv_dm_regs_reg2hw_t
regs_intg_error logic
rom_intg_error logic
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
lc_hw_debug_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [EnLastPos-1:0]
hartinfo dm::hartinfo_t [NrHarts-1:0] Debug CSRs
halted logic [NrHarts-1:0]
resumeack logic [NrHarts-1:0] logic [NrHarts-1:0] running;
haltreq logic [NrHarts-1:0]
resumereq logic [NrHarts-1:0]
clear_resumeack logic
cmd_valid logic
cmd dm::command_t
cmderror_valid logic
cmderror dm::cmderr_e
cmdbusy logic
progbuf logic [dm::ProgBufSize-1:0][31:0]
data_csrs_mem logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0]
data_mem_csrs logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0]
data_valid logic
hartsel logic [19:0]
sbaddress_csrs_sba logic [BusWidth-1:0] System Bus Access Module
sbaddress_sba_csrs logic [BusWidth-1:0]
sbaddress_write_valid logic
sbreadonaddr logic
sbautoincrement logic
sbaccess logic [2:0]
sbreadondata logic
sbdata_write logic [BusWidth-1:0]
sbdata_read_valid logic
sbdata_write_valid logic
sbdata_read logic [BusWidth-1:0]
sbdata_valid logic
sbbusy logic
sberror_valid logic
sberror logic [2:0]
dmi_req dm::dmi_req_t
dmi_rsp dm::dmi_resp_t
dmi_req_valid logic
dmi_req_ready logic
dmi_rsp_valid logic
dmi_rsp_ready logic
dmi_rst_n logic
testmode logic
reset_req_en logic
ndmreset_req logic
dmi_en logic
host_req logic
host_add logic [BusWidth-1:0]
host_we logic
host_wdata logic [BusWidth-1:0]
host_be logic [BusWidth/8-1:0]
host_gnt logic
host_r_valid logic
host_r_rdata logic [BusWidth-1:0]
host_r_err logic
sba_en logic
sba_tl_h_o_int tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
sba_tl_h_i_int tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
unused_host_r_err logic
req logic
we logic
be logic [BusWidth/8-1:0]
wdata logic [BusWidth-1:0]
rdata logic [BusWidth-1:0]
rvalid logic
addr_b logic [BusWidth-1:0]
addr_w logic [AddressWidthWords-1:0]
debug_req_en logic
debug_req logic
tck_muxed logic
trst_n_muxed logic
en_ifetch tlul_pkg::tl_instr_en_e
rom_en logic


Name Type Value Description
BusWidth int 32 Currently only 32 bit busses are supported by our TL-UL IP
SelectableHarts logic [NrHarts-1:0] undefined all harts have contiguous IDs
DebugHartInfo dm::hartinfo_t undefined static debug hartinfo
AddressWidthWords int unsigned BusWidth - $clog2(BusWidth/8)


Name Type Description
rv_dm_en_e enum logic [2:0] {
EnLastPos }
debug enable gating


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

