Entity: spi_host


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts clk_i rst_ni clk_core_i rst_core_ni scanmode_i tl_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i [3:0] cio_sd_i passthrough_i tl_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o cio_sck_o cio_sck_en_o [NumCS-1:0] cio_csb_o [NumCS-1:0] cio_csb_en_o [3:0] cio_sd_o [3:0] cio_sd_en_o passthrough_o intr_error_o intr_spi_event_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Host module.


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
clk_core_i input
rst_core_ni input
scanmode_i input
tl_i input Register interface
tl_o output
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
cio_sck_o output SPI Interface
cio_sck_en_o output
cio_csb_o output [NumCS-1:0]
cio_csb_en_o output [NumCS-1:0]
cio_sd_o output [3:0]
cio_sd_en_o output [3:0]
cio_sd_i input [3:0]
passthrough_i input Passthrough interface
passthrough_o output
intr_error_o output
intr_spi_event_o output


Name Type Description
reg2hw spi_host_reg2hw_t
hw2reg spi_host_hw2reg_t
fifo_win_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
fifo_win_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0] Register module
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] Register module
sck logic
csb logic [NumCS-1:0]
sd_out logic [3:0]
sd_en logic [3:0]
sd_i logic [3:0]
unused_pt_sck_gate_en logic
unused_scan logic TODO: REMOVE THIS CODE Temp tie-offs to silence lint warnings
command_valid logic
core_command_valid logic
command_busy logic
core_command_ready logic
core_command command_t
command command_t
error_csid_inval logic
error_cmd_inval logic
error_busy logic
test_csid_inval logic
test_dir_inval logic
test_speed_inval logic
configopts spi_host_reg_pkg::spi_host_reg2hw_configopts_mreg_t
cmd_qes logic [3:0]
active logic TODO: Determine the correct way to trigger a command. The following assertion confirms that at lease in some cases, the writes to COMMAND are not atomic.
Disabling this assertion for now `ASSERT(CmdAtomicity_A, &cmd_qes ^
core_active logic TODO: Determine the correct way to trigger a command. The following assertion confirms that at lease in some cases, the writes to COMMAND are not atomic.
Disabling this assertion for now `ASSERT(CmdAtomicity_A, &cmd_qes ^
rx_stall logic
core_rx_stall logic
tx_stall logic
core_tx_stall logic
sw_rst logic
core_sw_rst logic
tx_data logic [31:0]
tx_be logic [3:0]
tx_valid logic
tx_ready logic
rx_data logic [31:0]
rx_valid logic
rx_ready logic
core_tx_data logic [31:0]
core_tx_be logic [3:0]
core_tx_valid logic
core_tx_ready logic
core_rx_data logic [31:0]
core_rx_valid logic
core_rx_ready logic
rx_watermark logic [7:0]
tx_watermark logic [7:0]
rx_qd logic [7:0]
tx_qd logic [7:0]
tx_empty logic
tx_full logic
tx_wm logic
rx_empty logic
rx_full logic
rx_wm logic
error_overflow logic
error_underflow logic
en_sw logic CDCs for a handful of continuous or pulsed control and status signals
enb_error logic
en logic
core_en logic
event_error logic
error_vec logic [4:0]
error_mask logic [4:0]
sw_error_status logic [4:0]
event_spi_event logic
event_idle logic
event_ready logic
event_tx_wm logic
event_rx_wm logic
event_tx_empty logic
event_rx_full logic
event_vector logic [5:0]
event_mask logic [5:0]
idle_d logic
idle_q logic
ready_d logic
ready_q logic
tx_wm_d logic
tx_wm_q logic
rx_wm_d logic
rx_wm_q logic
tx_empty_d logic
tx_empty_q logic
rx_full_d logic
rx_full_q logic


Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff


Note on ByteOrder and ByteSwapping.
ByteOrder == 1 is for Little-Endian transmission (i.e. LSB first), which is acheived by default
with the prim_packer_fifo implementation. Thus we have to swap if Big-Endian transmission
is required (i.e. if ByteOrder == 0).