Entity: spid_readbuffer


int unsigned ReadBufferDepth int unsigned BufferAw clk_i rst_ni sys_rst_ni [31:0] current_address_i [BufferAw:0] threshold_i sfdp_hit_i mailbox_hit_i mailbox_en_i start_i event_watermark_o event_flip_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

SPI Flash Read Command: Read Buffer Manager


Generic name Type Value Description
ReadBufferDepth int unsigned spi_device_pkg::SramMsgDepth Buffer size: # of indices assigned to Read Buffer. This is used to calculate double buffering and threshold.
BufferAw int unsigned $clog2(ReadBufferDepth) Derived parameters


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
sys_rst_ni input to keep the addr, bufidx, flip signals
current_address_i input [31:0]
threshold_i input [BufferAw:0] A buffer size among two buffers (in bytes)
sfdp_hit_i input
mailbox_hit_i input
mailbox_en_i input
start_i input start: data Output phase indicator. Either pulse or level are fine.
event_watermark_o output
event_flip_o output


Name Type Description
st_q st_e
st_d st_e
watermark_cross logic ////////// Signal // //////////
watermark_crossed logic set by event / clear by flip
flip logic
next_buffer_addr logic [31-OneBufferAw:0] The logic keeps next buffer address. Compare this with the current_address and if it hits with mask, then the flip event occurs. TODO: If the device goes sleep, the next_buffer_addr should be recoverable.
active logic
current_buffer_idx logic [31-OneBufferAw:0]


Name Type Value Description
BufferAw int unsigned $clog2(ReadBufferDepth) Derived parameters
BufferSize int unsigned ReadBufferDepth ////////////// Definition // //////////////
OneBufferSize int unsigned BufferSize / 2 bytes
OneBufferAw int unsigned $clog2(OneBufferSize)


Name Type Description
st_e enum logic {
StActive }


Type: always_ff

Flip event handling

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

///////////////// State Machine // /////////////////

Type: always_comb