Entity: sram2tlul


int SramAw int SramDw logic [top_pkg::TL_AW-1:0] TL_AW clk_i rst_ni tl_i mem_req_i mem_write_i [SramAw-1:0] mem_addr_i [SramDw-1:0] mem_wdata_i tl_o mem_rvalid_o [SramDw-1:0] mem_rdata_o [1:0] mem_error_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

SRAM interface to TL-UL converter Current version only supports if TL-UL width and SRAM width are same If SRAM interface requests more than MaxOutstanding cap, it generates error in simulation but not in Silicon.


Generic name Type Value Description
SramAw int 12
SramDw int 32
TL_AW logic [top_pkg::TL_AW-1:0] 'h0 Base address of SRAM request


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
tl_o output
tl_i input
mem_req_i input SRAM
mem_write_i input
mem_addr_i input [SramAw-1:0]
mem_wdata_i input [SramDw-1:0]
mem_rvalid_o output
mem_rdata_o output [SramDw-1:0]
mem_error_o output [1:0]


Name Type Value Description
SRAM_DWB int unsigned $clog2(SramDw/8)