Entity: sram_ctrl
- File: sram_ctrl.sv
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SRAM controller.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
MemSizeRam | int | 32'h1000 | Number of words stored in the SRAM. |
NumAlerts | logic [NumAlerts-1:0] | undefined | Enable asynchronous transitions on alerts. |
InstrExec | bit | 1 | Enables the execute from SRAM feature. |
RndCnstSramKey | otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_key_t | RndCnstSramKeyDefault | Random netlist constants |
RndCnstSramNonce | otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_nonce_t | RndCnstSramNonceDefault | |
RndCnstLfsrSeed | lfsr_seed_t | RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault | |
RndCnstLfsrPerm | lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstLfsrPermDefault | |
Depth | int unsigned | MemSizeRam >> 2 | This is later on pruned to the correct width at the SRAM wrapper interface. |
AddrWidth | int unsigned | prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth) |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | SRAM Clock | |
rst_ni | input | ||
clk_otp_i | input | OTP Clock (for key interface) | |
rst_otp_ni | input | ||
ram_tl_i | input | Bus Interface (device) for SRAM | |
ram_tl_o | output | ||
regs_tl_i | input | Bus Interface (device) for CSRs | |
regs_tl_o | output | ||
alert_rx_i | input | [NumAlerts-1:0] | Alert outputs. |
alert_tx_o | output | [NumAlerts-1:0] | |
lc_escalate_en_i | input | Life-cycle escalation input (scraps the scrambling keys) | |
lc_hw_debug_en_i | input | ||
otp_en_sram_ifetch_i | input | Otp configuration for sram execution | |
sram_otp_key_o | output | Key request to OTP (running on clk_fixed) | |
sram_otp_key_i | input | ||
cfg_i | input | config |
Name | Type | Description |
reg2hw | sram_ctrl_regs_reg2hw_t | //////////////////////// CSR Node and Mapping // //////////////////////// |
hw2reg | sram_ctrl_regs_hw2reg_t | |
key_d | logic [otp_ctrl_pkg::SramKeyWidth-1:0] | Key and attribute outputs to scrambling device |
key_q | logic [otp_ctrl_pkg::SramKeyWidth-1:0] | Key and attribute outputs to scrambling device |
nonce_d | logic [otp_ctrl_pkg::SramNonceWidth-1:0] | |
nonce_q | logic [otp_ctrl_pkg::SramNonceWidth-1:0] | |
alert_test | logic | //////////////// Alert Sender // //////////////// |
bus_integ_error | logic | |
init_error | logic | |
escalate_en | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t | /////////////////////// Escalation Triggers // /////////////////////// |
escalate | logic | |
local_esc | logic | Aggregate external and internal escalation sources. This is used on countermeasures further below (key reset, transaction blocking and scrambling nonce reversal). |
init_trig | logic | ///////////////////// HW Initialization // ///////////////////// A write to the init register reloads the LFSR seed, resets the init counter and sets init_q to flag a pending initialization request. |
init_req | logic [1:0] | We employ two redundant counters to guard against FI attacks. If any of the two is glitched and the two counter states do not agree, we trigger an alert. |
init_done | logic [1:0] | We employ two redundant counters to guard against FI attacks. If any of the two is glitched and the two counter states do not agree, we trigger an alert. |
init_q | logic [1:0] | We employ two redundant counters to guard against FI attacks. If any of the two is glitched and the two counter states do not agree, we trigger an alert. |
init_cnt_q | logic [1:0][AddrWidth-1:0] | |
key_req | logic | ////////////////////////// Scrambling Key Request // ////////////////////////// The scrambling key and nonce have to be requested from the OTP controller via a req/ack protocol. Since the OTP controller works in a different clock domain, we have to synchronize the req/ack protocol as described in more details here: https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/index.html#interfaces-to-sram-and-otbn-scramblers |
key_ack | logic | ////////////////////////// Scrambling Key Request // ////////////////////////// The scrambling key and nonce have to be requested from the OTP controller via a req/ack protocol. Since the OTP controller works in a different clock domain, we have to synchronize the req/ack protocol as described in more details here: https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/index.html#interfaces-to-sram-and-otbn-scramblers |
key_req_pending_d | logic | |
key_req_pending_q | logic | |
key_valid | logic | The SRAM scrambling wrapper will not accept any transactions while the key req is pending or if we have escalated. Note that we're not using key_valid_q here, such that the SRAM can be used right after reset, where the keys are reset to the default netlist constant. |
key_seed_valid | logic | Clear this bit on local escalation. |
clk_i | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
rst_ni | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
clk_otp_i | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
rst_otp_ni | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
req_chk_i | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
key_req_pending_q | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
key_ack | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
req | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
ack | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
key | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
sram_otp_key_i | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
sram_otp_key_i | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
key_d | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
nonce_d | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
key_seed_valid | prim_sync_reqack_data | |
unused_csr_sigs | logic | |
en_ifetch | tlul_pkg::tl_instr_en_e | ////////////////// SRAM Execution // ////////////////// |
lfsr_out | logic [LfsrWidth-1:0] | /////////////////////// Initialization LFSR // /////////////////////// |
lfsr_out_integ | logic [DataWidth - 1 :0] | Compute the correct integrity alongside for the pseudo-random initialization values. |
tlul_req | logic | /////////////////////////////// SRAM with scrambling device // /////////////////////////////// |
tlul_gnt | logic | /////////////////////////////// SRAM with scrambling device // /////////////////////////////// |
tlul_we | logic | /////////////////////////////// SRAM with scrambling device // /////////////////////////////// |
tlul_addr | logic [AddrWidth-1:0] | |
tlul_wdata | logic [DataWidth-1:0] | |
tlul_wmask | logic [DataWidth-1:0] | |
sram_intg_error | logic | |
sram_req | logic | |
sram_gnt | logic | |
sram_we | logic | |
sram_rvalid | logic | |
sram_addr | logic [AddrWidth-1:0] | |
sram_wdata | logic [DataWidth-1:0] | |
sram_wmask | logic [DataWidth-1:0] | |
sram_rdata | logic [DataWidth-1:0] |
- p_regs: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- u_reg_regs: sram_ctrl_regs_reg_top
- u_prim_alert_sender_parity: prim_alert_sender
- u_prim_lc_sync: prim_lc_sync
- u_lfsr: prim_lfsr
- u_tlul_data_integ_enc: tlul_data_integ_enc
- u_tlul_adapter_sram: tlul_adapter_sram