Package: sram_ctrl_env_pkg


Copyright lowRISC contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Name Type Value Description
uint uint 1
KDI_DATA_SIZE int 1 + otp_ctrl_pkg::SramKeyWidth + otp_ctrl_pkg::SramNonceWidth Number of bits in the otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key_rsp_t struct: 1 bit for valid, SramKeyWidth bits for the key, SramNonceWidth bits for the nonce.
KDI_PROPAGATION_CYCLES int 2 after a KDI transaction is completed, it needs 2 cycles in the SRAM clock domain to be properly synchronized and propagated through the DUT
LC_ESCALATION_PROPAGATION_CYCLES int 3 a LC escalation request needs 3 cycles to be fully propagated through the DUT


Name Type Description
lc_vif virtual sram_ctrl_lc_if types
exec_vif virtual sram_ctrl_exec_if
sram_ctrl_e enum bit {
SramCtrlRenewScrKey = 0,
SramCtrlInit = 1 }
sram_ctrl_status_e enum bit [2:0] {
SramCtrlBusIntegError = 0,
SramCtrlInitError = 1,
SramCtrlEscalated = 2,
SramCtrlScrKeyValid = 3,
SramCtrlScrKeySeedValid = 4,
SramCtrlInitDone = 5 }