Entity: sysrst_ctrl_comboact


clk_i rst_ni combo_det_i ec_rst_l_i cfg_bat_disable_en_i cfg_ec_rst_en_i cfg_rst_req_en_i cfg_intr_en_i sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ec_rst_ctl_reg_t ec_rst_ctl_i combo_intr_pulse_o bat_disable_o rst_req_o ec_rst_l_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Description: sysrst_ctrl combo action Module


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
combo_det_i input
ec_rst_l_i input
cfg_bat_disable_en_i input
cfg_ec_rst_en_i input
cfg_rst_req_en_i input
cfg_intr_en_i input
ec_rst_ctl_i input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ec_rst_ctl_reg_t
combo_intr_pulse_o output
bat_disable_o output
rst_req_o output
ec_rst_l_o output


Name Type Description
combo_det_pulse logic ///////////////////////////////////// Combo / EC reset detection Pulses // ///////////////////////////////////// generate combo detection pulse
combo_det_q logic ///////////////////////////////////// Combo / EC reset detection Pulses // ///////////////////////////////////// generate combo detection pulse
combo_bat_disable_pulse logic mask combo detection pulse with config bits
combo_gsc_pulse logic mask combo detection pulse with config bits
combo_ec_rst_pulse logic mask combo detection pulse with config bits
ec_rst_l_det_pulse logic ec_rst_l_i high->low detection
ec_rst_l_det_q logic ec_rst_l_i high->low detection
bat_disable_q logic ////////////////////////////////// Bat / GSC reset pulse latching // //////////////////////////////////
bat_disable_d logic ////////////////////////////////// Bat / GSC reset pulse latching // //////////////////////////////////
rst_req_q logic
rst_req_d logic
timer_expired logic ////////////////// EC reset logic // ////////////////// GSC reset will also reset EC
ec_rst_l_q logic
ec_rst_l_d logic
timer_cnt_d logic [TimerWidth-1:0] Reset stretching counter
timer_cnt_q logic [TimerWidth-1:0] Reset stretching counter


Type: always_ff

///////////// Registers // /////////////