Entity: sysrst_ctrl_timerfsm


int unsigned TimerWidth clk_i rst_ni trigger_i [TimerWidth-1:0] cfg_timer_i cfg_l2h_en_i cfg_h2l_en_i timer_l2h_cond_met timer_h2l_cond_met


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Description sysrst_ctrl timer-based FSM module


Generic name Type Value Description
TimerWidth int unsigned 16


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
trigger_i input
cfg_timer_i input [TimerWidth-1:0]
cfg_l2h_en_i input
cfg_h2l_en_i input
timer_l2h_cond_met output
timer_h2l_cond_met output


Name Type Description
trigger_q logic
trigger_h2l logic
trigger_l2h logic
trigger_h2h logic
trigger_l2l logic
timer_cnt_d logic [TimerWidth-1:0] logic trigger_tgl, trigger_sty;
timer_cnt_q logic [TimerWidth-1:0] logic trigger_tgl, trigger_sty;
timer_cnt_clr logic
timer_cnt_en logic
timer_state_q timer_state_e
timer_state_d timer_state_e


Name Type Description
timer_state_e enum logic [2:0] {
IDLE = 3'h0,
WAITL2H = 3'h1,
WAITH2L = 3'h2,
DONEL2H = 3'h3,
DONEH2L = 3'h4 }
assign trigger_tgl = trigger_q != trigger_i; assign trigger_sty = trigger_q == trigger_i; three-state FSM IDLE->WAITL2H->DONEL2H or IDLE->WAITH2L->DONEH2L The input signals can be inverted. Hence, both paths FSM will detect a L2H or H2L transition to enter the wait state debounce timer defines the time to wait for input to stablize FSM will check the input after the debounce period


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb