Entity: tlul_adapter_reg


bit EnableDataIntgGen int RegAw int RegDw int RegBw clk_i rst_ni tl_h2d_t tl_i busy_i [RegDw-1:0] rdata_i error_i tl_d2h_t tl_o re_o we_o [RegAw-1:0] addr_o [RegDw-1:0] wdata_o [RegBw-1:0] be_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 *


Generic name Type Value Description
EnableDataIntgGen bit 1'b0
RegAw int 8
RegDw int 32 Shall be matched with TL_DW
RegBw int RegDw/8


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
tl_i input tl_h2d_t TL-UL interface
tl_o output tl_d2h_t
re_o output Register interface
we_o output
addr_o output [RegAw-1:0]
wdata_o output [RegDw-1:0]
be_o output [RegBw-1:0]
busy_i input
rdata_i input [RegDw-1:0]
error_i input


Name Type Description
outstanding logic Indicates current request is pending
a_ack logic
d_ack logic
rdata logic [RegDw-1:0]
error logic
err_internal logic
addr_align_err logic Size and alignment
malformed_meta_err logic User signal format error or unsupported
tl_err logic Common TL-UL error checker
reqid logic [IW-1:0]
reqsz logic [SZW-1:0]
rspop tl_d_op_e
rd_req logic
wr_req logic
data_intg logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0]
req_valid logic


Name Type Value Description
RegBw int RegDw/8
IW int $bits(tl_i.a_source)
SZW int $bits(tl_i.a_size)


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

addr_align_err Raised if addr isn't aligned with the size Read size error is checked in tlul_assert.sv Here is it added due to the limitation of register interface.


tl_err : separate checker