Entity: tlul_adapter_sram


int SramAw int SramDw int Outstanding bit ByteAccess bit ErrOnWrite bit ErrOnRead bit CmdIntgCheck bit EnableRspIntgGen bit EnableDataIntgGen bit EnableDataIntgPt int WidthMult int IntgWidth int DataOutW clk_i rst_ni tl_h2d_t tl_i tl_instr_en_e en_ifetch_i gnt_i [DataOutW-1:0] rdata_i rvalid_i [1:0] rerror_i tl_d2h_t tl_o req_o tl_type_e req_type_o we_o [SramAw-1:0] addr_o [DataOutW-1:0] wdata_o [DataOutW-1:0] wmask_o intg_error_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 *


Generic name Type Value Description
SramAw int 12
SramDw int 32 Must be multiple of the TL width
Outstanding int 1 Only one request is accepted
ByteAccess bit 1 1: true, 0: false
ErrOnWrite bit 0 1: Writes not allowed, automatically error
ErrOnRead bit 0 1: Reads not allowed, automatically error
CmdIntgCheck bit 0 1: Enable command integrity check
EnableRspIntgGen bit 0 1: Generate response integrity
EnableDataIntgGen bit 0 1: Generate response data integrity
EnableDataIntgPt bit 0 1: Passthrough command/response data integrity
WidthMult int SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW
IntgWidth int tlul_pkg::DataIntgWidth * WidthMult
DataOutW int SramDw + IntgWidth


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
tl_i input tl_h2d_t TL-UL interface
tl_o output tl_d2h_t
en_ifetch_i input tl_instr_en_e control interface
req_o output SRAM interface
req_type_o output tl_type_e
gnt_i input
we_o output
addr_o output [SramAw-1:0]
wdata_o output [DataOutW-1:0]
wmask_o output [DataOutW-1:0]
intg_error_o output
rdata_i input [DataOutW-1:0]
rvalid_i input
rerror_i input [1:0] 2 bit error [1]: Uncorrectable, [0]: Correctable


Name Type Description
intg_error logic integrity check
intg_error_q logic permanently latch integrity error until reset
tl_i_int tl_h2d_t byte handling for integrity
tl_o_int tl_d2h_t
reqfifo_wvalid logic FIFO signal in case OutStand is greater than 1 If request is latched, {write, source} is pushed to req fifo. Req fifo is popped when D channel is acknowledged (v & r) D channel valid is asserted if it is write request or rsp fifo not empty if read.
reqfifo_wready logic FIFO signal in case OutStand is greater than 1 If request is latched, {write, source} is pushed to req fifo. Req fifo is popped when D channel is acknowledged (v & r) D channel valid is asserted if it is write request or rsp fifo not empty if read.
reqfifo_rvalid logic
reqfifo_rready logic
reqfifo_wdata req_t
reqfifo_rdata req_t
sramreqfifo_wvalid logic
sramreqfifo_wready logic
sramreqfifo_rready logic
sramreqfifo_wdata sram_req_t
sramreqfifo_rdata sram_req_t
rspfifo_wvalid logic
rspfifo_wready logic
rspfifo_rvalid logic
rspfifo_rready logic
rspfifo_wdata rsp_t
rspfifo_rdata rsp_t
error_internal logic Internal protocol error checker
wr_attr_error logic
instr_error logic
wr_vld_error logic
rd_vld_error logic
tlul_error logic Error from tlul_err module
a_ack logic
d_ack logic
sram_ack logic
d_valid logic Valid handling
d_error logic Valid handling
tl_out tl_d2h_t
woffset logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] Support SRAMs wider than the TL-UL word width by mapping the parts of the TL-UL address which are more fine-granular than the SRAM width to the SRAM write mask.
wmask_combined logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] Final combined wmask / wdata
wdata_combined logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0]
wmask_int logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] Original tlul portion
wdata_int logic [WidthMult-1:0][top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0]
wmask_intg logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0] Integrity portion
wdata_intg logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataIntgWidth-1:0]
rdata logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0] Make sure only requested bytes are forwarded
rmask logic [WidthMult-1:0][DataWidth-1:0]
rdata_tlword logic [DataWidth-1:0]
unused_rerror logic This module only cares about uncorrectable errors.


Name Type Value Description
WidthMult int SramDw / top_pkg::TL_DW
IntgWidth int tlul_pkg::DataIntgWidth * WidthMult
DataOutW int SramDw + IntgWidth
SramByte int SramDw/8
DataBitWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(SramByte)
WoffsetWidth int DataBitWidth
SramReqFifoWidth int $bits(sram_req_t)
ReqFifoWidth int $bits(req_t)
RspFifoWidth int $bits(rsp_t)
DataWidth int top_pkg::TL_DW + DataIntgWidth The size of the data/wmask depends on whether passthrough integrity is enabled. If passthrough integrity is enabled, the data is concatenated with the integrity passed through the user bits. Otherwise, it is the data only.


Name Type Description
sram_req_t struct packed {
logic [top_pkg::TL_DBW-1:0] mask ;
logic [WoffsetWidth-1:0] woffset ;
req_op_e enum logic [1:0] {
OpUnknown }
req_t struct packed {
req_op_e op ;
logic error ;
logic [top_pkg::TL_SZW-1:0] size ;
logic [top_pkg::TL_AIW-1:0] source ;
rsp_t struct packed {
logic [top_pkg::TL_DW-1:0] data ;
logic [DataIntgWidth-1:0] data_intg ;
logic error ;


Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb


FIFO instance: REQ, RSP
ReqFIFO is to store the Access type to match to the Response data.
For instance, SRAM accepts the write request but doesn't return the
acknowledge. In this case, it may be hard to determine when the D
response for the write data should send out if reads/writes are
interleaved. So, to make it in-order (even TL-UL allows out-of-order
responses), storing the request is necessary. And if the read entry
is write op, it is safe to return the response right away. If it is
read reqeust, then D response is waiting until read data arrives.
The oustanding+1 allows the reqfifo to absorb back to back transactions
without any wait states. Alternatively, the depth can be kept as
oustanding as long as the outgoing ready is qualified with the acceptance
of the response in the same cycle. Doing so however creates a path from
ready_i to ready_o, which may not be desireable.

While the ReqFIFO holds the request until it is sent back via TL-UL, the
sramreqfifo only needs to hold the mask and word offset until the read
data returns from memory.

Rationale having #Outstanding depth in response FIFO.
In normal case, if the host or the crossbar accepts the response data,
response FIFO isn't needed. But if in any case it has a chance to be
back pressured, the response FIFO should store the returned data not to
lose the data from the SRAM interface. Remember, SRAM interface doesn't
have back-pressure signal such as read_ready.