Entity: tlul_fifo_sync


bit ReqPass bit RspPass int unsigned ReqDepth int unsigned RspDepth int unsigned SpareReqW int unsigned SpareRspW clk_i rst_ni tl_h_i tl_d_i [SpareReqW-1:0] spare_req_i [SpareRspW-1:0] spare_rsp_i tl_h_o tl_d_o [SpareReqW-1:0] spare_req_o [SpareRspW-1:0] spare_rsp_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

TL-UL fifo, used to add elasticity or an asynchronous clock crossing to an TL-UL bus. This instantiates two FIFOs, one for the request side, and one for the response side.


Generic name Type Value Description
ReqPass bit 1'b1
RspPass bit 1'b1
ReqDepth int unsigned 2
RspDepth int unsigned 2
SpareReqW int unsigned 1
SpareRspW int unsigned 1


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
tl_h_i input
tl_h_o output
tl_d_o output
tl_d_i input
spare_req_i input [SpareReqW-1:0]
spare_req_o output [SpareReqW-1:0]
spare_rsp_i input [SpareRspW-1:0]
spare_rsp_o output [SpareRspW-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
REQFIFO_WIDTH int unsigned $bits(tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t) -2 + SpareReqW Put everything on the request side into one FIFO
RSPFIFO_WIDTH int unsigned $bits(tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t) -2 + SpareRspW Put everything on the response side into the other FIFO
