Entity: trial1_test


clk rst_n tl_d2h_t tl_d2h trial1_reg2hw_t reg2hw tl_h2d_t tl_h2d trial1_hw2reg_t hw2reg


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input
rst_n input
tl_h2d output tl_h2d_t
tl_d2h input tl_d2h_t
reg2hw input trial1_reg2hw_t
hw2reg output trial1_hw2reg_t


Name Type Description
errorcount int
DEBUG logic
rwtype5_capture logic [31:0] these registers need capturers to see the qe effect
rwtype6_capture logic [31:0]
rotype1_capture logic [31:0]
my_rotype1_d logic [31:0]
my_rotype1_de logic
hold_wd logic [31:0] so far just these registers we need to drive back into RWTYPE2[31:0] RWTYPE3.FIELD0[15:0] RWTYPE3.FIELD1[15:0] ROTYPE0[31:0] W1CTYPE2[31:0] W1STYPE2[31:0] W0CTYPE2[31:0] R0W1CTYPE2[31:0] RCTYPE0[31:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD1[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD3[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD4[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD5[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD6[3:0] RWTYPE5[31:0]
hold_q logic [31:0] so far just these registers we need to drive back into RWTYPE2[31:0] RWTYPE3.FIELD0[15:0] RWTYPE3.FIELD1[15:0] ROTYPE0[31:0] W1CTYPE2[31:0] W1STYPE2[31:0] W0CTYPE2[31:0] R0W1CTYPE2[31:0] RCTYPE0[31:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD1[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD3[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD4[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD5[3:0] MIXTYPE0.FIELD6[3:0] RWTYPE5[31:0]


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff