Entity: usb_fs_nb_out_pe


logic [4:0] NumOutEps int unsigned MaxOutPktSizeByte int unsigned OutEpW int unsigned PktW clk_48mhz_i rst_ni link_reset_i [6:0] dev_addr_i [NumOutEps-1:0] out_ep_full_i [NumOutEps-1:0] out_ep_stall_i [NumOutEps-1:0] out_ep_iso_i [NumOutEps-1:0] data_toggle_clear_i rx_pkt_start_i rx_pkt_end_i rx_pkt_valid_i [3:0] rx_pid_i [6:0] rx_addr_i [3:0] rx_endp_i rx_data_put_i [7:0] rx_data_i tx_pkt_end_i [3:0] out_ep_current_o out_ep_data_put_o [PktW - 1:0] out_ep_put_addr_o [7:0] out_ep_data_o out_ep_newpkt_o out_ep_acked_o out_ep_rollback_o [NumOutEps-1:0] out_ep_setup_o tx_pkt_start_o [3:0] tx_pid_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Copyright Luke Valenty (TinyFPGA project) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 USB Full Speed Non-Buffered Protocol Engine for OUT/SETUP endpoints

Decode OUT/SETUP requests from host and accept data unless buffers are full (SETUP is a special form of OUT and starts a transaction sequence)

Based on usb_fs_out_pe.v from the TinyFPGA-Bootloader project but this version contains no packet buffers


Generic name Type Value Description
NumOutEps logic [4:0] 2
MaxOutPktSizeByte int unsigned 32
OutEpW int unsigned $clog2(NumOutEps) derived parameter
PktW int unsigned $clog2(MaxOutPktSizeByte) derived parameter


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_48mhz_i input
rst_ni input
link_reset_i input
dev_addr_i input [6:0]
out_ep_current_o output [3:0] Other signals address to this ep,
out_ep_data_put_o output put the data (put addr advances after)
out_ep_put_addr_o output [PktW - 1:0] Offset to put data (0..pktlen)
out_ep_data_o output [7:0]
out_ep_newpkt_o output new packed, current was set
out_ep_acked_o output good termination, device has acked
out_ep_rollback_o output bad termination, discard data
out_ep_setup_o output [NumOutEps-1:0]
out_ep_full_i input [NumOutEps-1:0] Cannot accept data
out_ep_stall_i input [NumOutEps-1:0] Stalled
out_ep_iso_i input [NumOutEps-1:0] Configure endpoint in isochronous mode
data_toggle_clear_i input [NumOutEps-1:0] Clear the data toggles for an EP
rx_pkt_start_i input /////////// rx path // /////////// Strobed on reception of packet.
rx_pkt_end_i input
rx_pkt_valid_i input
rx_pid_i input [3:0] Most recent packet received.
rx_addr_i input [6:0]
rx_endp_i input [3:0]
rx_data_put_i input rx_data is pushed into endpoint controller.
rx_data_i input [7:0]
tx_pkt_start_o output /////////// tx path // /////////// Strobe to send new packet.
tx_pkt_end_i input
tx_pid_o output [3:0]


Name Type Description
unused_1 logic suppress warnings
out_xfr_state state_out_e
out_xfr_state_next state_out_e
out_xfr_start logic
new_pkt_end logic
rollback_data logic
nak_out_transfer logic set when the endpoint buffer is unable to receive the out transfer
data_toggle_q logic [NumOutEps - 1:0] data toggle state
data_toggle_d logic [NumOutEps - 1:0] data toggle state
token_received logic Decode the rx token
out_token_received logic Decode the rx token
setup_token_received logic Decode the rx token
invalid_packet_received logic
data_packet_received logic
non_data_packet_received logic
bad_data_toggle logic
ep_impl_d logic
ep_impl_q logic
out_ep_current_d logic [3:0]
current_xfer_setup_q logic 1: If the current transfer is a SETUP, 0: OUT
rx_pid_type usb_pid_type_e More syntax so can compare with enum
rx_pid usb_pid_e
out_ep_index logic [OutEpW-1:0] Make widths work - out_ep_current_d/out_ep_current_o only hold implemented endpoint IDs. These signals can be used to index signals of NumOutEps width. They are only valid if ep_impl_d/q are set, i.e., if the specified endpoint is implemented.
out_ep_index_d logic [OutEpW-1:0]
increment_addr logic address increment whenever there is a data put unless -- already going to NAK transaction and replay things -- the address is at max packet size NOTE if more than max packet size received then data is lost


Name Type Value Description
OutEpW int unsigned $clog2(NumOutEps) derived parameter
PktW int unsigned $clog2(MaxOutPktSizeByte) derived parameter


Name Type Description
state_out_e enum logic [2:0] {
StRcvdIsoDataEnd }


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

////////////////////////////// out transfer state machine // //////////////////////////////

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

put data strobe follows the rx strobe (which will latch the data)

Type: always_ff

nack an OUT if any data comes in with the endpoint full Note that if there is a full size packet buffer this will only be all or nothing but in the case there was a FIFO with less than a max packet size free you could get lucky and the packet received be small and fit with no need to NAK

Type: always_ff