Entity: usb_serial_ctrl_ep


int unsigned MaxPktSizeByte int unsigned PktW clk_i rst_ni out_ep_data_put_i [PktW - 1:0] out_ep_put_addr_i [7:0] out_ep_data_i out_ep_acked_i out_ep_rollback_i out_ep_setup_i in_ep_rollback_i in_ep_acked_i [PktW - 1:0] in_ep_get_addr_i in_ep_data_get_i [6:0] dev_addr out_ep_full_o out_ep_stall_o in_ep_stall_o in_ep_has_data_o [7:0] in_ep_data_o in_ep_data_done_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Copyright Luke Valenty (TinyFPGA project) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Converted from common/usb_serial_ctrl_ep.v -- move from CDC to Google simple serial protocol -- conform to lowRISC coding style


Generic name Type Value Description
MaxPktSizeByte int unsigned 32
PktW int unsigned $clog2(MaxPktSizeByte) Derived parameters


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
dev_addr output [6:0]
out_ep_data_put_i input ////////////////////////// out endpoint interface // //////////////////////////
out_ep_put_addr_i input [PktW - 1:0]
out_ep_data_i input [7:0]
out_ep_acked_i input
out_ep_rollback_i input
out_ep_setup_i input
out_ep_full_o output
out_ep_stall_o output
in_ep_rollback_i input ///////////////////////// in endpoint interface // /////////////////////////
in_ep_acked_i input
in_ep_get_addr_i input [PktW - 1:0]
in_ep_data_get_i input
in_ep_stall_o output
in_ep_has_data_o output
in_ep_data_o output [7:0]
in_ep_data_done_o output


Name Type Description
unused_1 logic suppress errors
unused_2 logic [PktW-1:0]
ctrl_xfr_state state_ctrl_xfr_e
ctrl_xfr_state_next state_ctrl_xfr_e
setup_stage_end logic
status_stage_end logic
send_zero_length_data_pkt logic
dev_addr_int logic [6:0] the default control endpoint gets assigned the device address
new_dev_addr logic [6:0]
pkt_start logic keep track of new out data start and end
pkt_end logic
bmRequestType logic [7:0] need to record the 8 bytes of setup data
raw_setup_data logic [7:0] need to record the 8 bytes of setup data
bRequest usb_setup_request_e Alias for the setup bytes using names from USB spec
wValue logic [15:0]
wLength logic [15:0]
wIndex logic [15:0]
setup_pkt_start logic
has_data_stage logic
out_data_stage logic
in_data_stage logic
bytes_sent logic [7:0]
rom_length logic [6:0]
all_data_sent logic
more_data_to_send logic
in_data_transfer_done logic
rom_addr logic [6:0]
save_dev_addr logic
unused_bmR logic [6:0] suppress warning
unused_wValue logic
unused_wIndex logic [15:0]
dscr_type usb_dscr_type_e Send setup data (which will be empty in case of a SET operation and come from the ROM in the case of a GET)


Name Type Value Description
PktW int unsigned $clog2(MaxPktSizeByte) Derived parameters


Name Type Description
state_ctrl_xfr_e enum logic [2:0] {
StIdle = 3'h0,
StSetup = 3'h1,
StDataIn = 3'h2,
StDataOut = 3'h3,
StStatusIn = 3'h4,
StStatusOut = 3'h5 }
State machine for control transfers


Type: always_comb

////////////////////////////////// control transfer state machine // //////////////////////////////////

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Check of upper put_addr bits needed because CRC will be sent (10 bytes total)

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb
