Entity: usbdev


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts clk_i rst_ni clk_aon_i rst_aon_ni clk_usb_48mhz_i rst_usb_48mhz_ni tl_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i cio_d_i cio_dp_i cio_dn_i cio_sense_i awk_state_t usb_state_debug_i ram_cfg_i tl_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o cio_d_o cio_d_en_o cio_dp_o cio_dp_en_o cio_dn_o cio_dn_en_o cio_se0_o cio_se0_en_o cio_dp_pullup_o cio_dp_pullup_en_o cio_dn_pullup_o cio_dn_pullup_en_o cio_suspend_o cio_suspend_en_o cio_tx_mode_se_o cio_tx_mode_se_en_o cio_rx_enable_o cio_rx_enable_en_o usb_out_of_rst_o usb_aon_wake_en_o usb_aon_wake_ack_o usb_suspend_o usb_ref_val_o usb_ref_pulse_o intr_pkt_received_o intr_pkt_sent_o intr_connected_o intr_disconnected_o intr_host_lost_o intr_link_reset_o intr_link_suspend_o intr_link_resume_o intr_av_empty_o intr_rx_full_o intr_av_overflow_o intr_link_in_err_o intr_link_out_err_o intr_rx_crc_err_o intr_rx_pid_err_o intr_rx_bitstuff_err_o intr_frame_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

USB Full-Speed Device Interface (usbdev).


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
clk_aon_i input
rst_aon_ni input
clk_usb_48mhz_i input use usb_ prefix for signals in this clk
rst_usb_48mhz_ni input async reset, with relase sync to clk_usb_48_mhz_i
tl_i input Register interface
tl_o output
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
cio_d_i input differential
cio_dp_i input single-ended, can be used in differential mode to detect SE0
cio_dn_i input single-ended, can be used in differential mode to detect SE0
cio_d_o output Data outputs
cio_d_en_o output
cio_dp_o output
cio_dp_en_o output
cio_dn_o output
cio_dn_en_o output
cio_sense_i input Non-data I/O
cio_se0_o output
cio_se0_en_o output
cio_dp_pullup_o output
cio_dp_pullup_en_o output
cio_dn_pullup_o output
cio_dn_pullup_en_o output
cio_suspend_o output
cio_suspend_en_o output
cio_tx_mode_se_o output
cio_tx_mode_se_en_o output
cio_rx_enable_o output
cio_rx_enable_en_o output
usb_out_of_rst_o output Direct pinmux aon detect connections
usb_aon_wake_en_o output
usb_aon_wake_ack_o output
usb_suspend_o output
usb_state_debug_i input awk_state_t Debug info from wakeup module
usb_ref_val_o output SOF reference for clock calibration
usb_ref_pulse_o output
ram_cfg_i input memory configuration
intr_pkt_received_o output Packet received
intr_pkt_sent_o output Packet sent
intr_connected_o output
intr_disconnected_o output
intr_host_lost_o output
intr_link_reset_o output
intr_link_suspend_o output
intr_link_resume_o output
intr_av_empty_o output
intr_rx_full_o output
intr_av_overflow_o output
intr_link_in_err_o output
intr_link_out_err_o output
intr_rx_crc_err_o output
intr_rx_pid_err_o output
intr_rx_bitstuff_err_o output
intr_frame_o output


Name Type Description
reg2hw usbdev_reg2hw_t
hw2reg usbdev_hw2reg_t
tl_sram_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
tl_sram_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
mem_a_req logic Dual-port SRAM Interface: Refer prim_ram_2p_async_adv.sv
mem_a_write logic
mem_a_addr logic [SramAw-1:0]
mem_a_wdata logic [SramDw-1:0]
mem_a_rvalid logic
mem_a_rdata logic [SramDw-1:0]
mem_a_rerror logic [1:0]
usb_mem_b_req logic
usb_mem_b_write logic
usb_mem_b_addr logic [SramAw-1:0]
usb_mem_b_wdata logic [SramDw-1:0]
usb_mem_b_rdata logic [SramDw-1:0]
usb_clr_devaddr logic
usb_event_av_empty logic
event_av_overflow logic
usb_event_rx_full logic
event_av_empty logic
event_rx_full logic
usb_event_link_reset logic
usb_event_link_suspend logic
usb_event_link_resume logic
usb_event_host_lost logic
usb_event_disconnect logic
usb_event_connect logic
usb_event_rx_crc_err logic
usb_event_rx_pid_err logic
usb_event_rx_bitstuff_err logic
usb_event_in_err logic
usb_event_out_err logic
usb_event_frame logic
usb_link_active logic
event_link_reset logic
event_link_suspend logic
event_link_resume logic
event_host_lost logic
event_disconnect logic
event_connect logic
event_rx_crc_err logic
event_rx_pid_err logic
event_rx_bitstuff_err logic
event_in_err logic
event_out_err logic
event_frame logic
usb_frame logic [10:0] CDC signals
usb_link_state logic [2:0]
usb_enable logic
usb_device_addr logic [6:0]
data_toggle_clear_qe logic
usb_data_toggle_clear_en logic
usb_data_toggle_clear logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_rx_d logic /////////////////////////////// USB RX after CDC & muxing // ///////////////////////////////
usb_rx_dp logic
usb_rx_dn logic
usb_tx_d logic /////////////////////////////// USB TX after CDC & muxing // ///////////////////////////////
usb_tx_se0 logic
usb_tx_oe logic
usb_pwr_sense logic /////////////////////////////// USB contol pins after CDC // ///////////////////////////////
usb_pullup_en logic
av_fifo_wready logic /////////////////////////// Receive interface fifos // ///////////////////////////
event_pkt_received logic
usb_av_rvalid logic
usb_av_rready logic
usb_rx_wvalid logic
usb_rx_wready logic
rx_fifo_rvalid logic
rx_fifo_re logic
usb_av_rdata logic [AVFifoWidth - 1:0]
usb_rx_wdata logic [RXFifoWidth - 1:0]
rx_rdata_raw logic [RXFifoWidth - 1:0]
rx_rdata logic [RXFifoWidth - 1:0]
unused_rxfifo_q logic [16:0] The rxfifo register is hrw, but we just need the read enables.
usb_in_buf logic [NBufWidth-1:0] ////////////////////////////////// IN (Transmit) interface config // //////////////////////////////////
usb_in_size logic [SizeWidth:0]
usb_in_endpoint logic [3:0]
usb_in_endpoint_val logic
usb_in_rdy logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
clear_rdybit logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
set_sentbit logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
update_pend logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_setup_received logic
setup_received logic
usb_set_sent logic
set_sent logic
ep_iso logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
enable_setup logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
enable_out logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
ep_stall logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_enable_setup logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_enable_out logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_ep_stall logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
in_rdy_async logic [NEndpoints-1:0]
usb_out_endpoint logic [3:0]
usb_out_endpoint_val logic
event_link_reset_q logic
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
cio_oe logic /////////////////////////////// USB IO Muxing // ///////////////////////////////
usb_ref_val_d logic /////////////////////////////////////// SOF Reference for Clock Calibration // ///////////////////////////////////////
usb_ref_val_q logic /////////////////////////////////////// SOF Reference for Clock Calibration // ///////////////////////////////////////
usb_ref_disable logic
aon_tgl logic /////////////////////////////////////// capture async debug info // ///////////////////////////////////////
tgl_sync logic
tgl_sync_d1 logic
tgl_en logic


Name Type Value Description
SramDw int 32 Places packing bytes to SRAM assume this
SramDepth int 512 2kB, SRAM Width is DW
MaxPktSizeByte int 64
SramAw int $clog2(SramDepth)
SizeWidth int $clog2(MaxPktSizeByte)
NBuf int undefined
NBufWidth int $clog2(NBuf)
AVFifoWidth int NBufWidth AV fifo just stores buffer numbers
AVFifoDepth int 4
RXFifoWidth int NBufWidth + (1+SizeWidth) + 4 + 1 RX fifo stores buf# + size(0-MaxPktSizeByte) + EP# + Type
RXFifoDepth int 4


Type: always_comb

RX enables

Type: always_comb

STALL for both directions

Type: always_comb

CDC: ok, quasi-static

Type: always_comb

CDC: flop_2sync for ready bit covers others so assigns are ok

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

CDC: We synchronize the qe (write pulse) and assume that the rest of the register remains stable

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Update the pending bit by copying the ready bit that is about to clear

Type: always_comb

Clear the stall flag when a SETUP is received CDC: usb_out_endpoint is synchronized implicitly by setup_received, as it is stable

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

/////////////////////////////////////// USB aon detector signaling // ///////////////////////////////////////

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff


Clear of ready and set of sent is a pulse in USB clock domain
but needs to ensure register bit is cleared/set in TLUL domain
usbdev_pulsesync takes pulse in clk_src to pulse in clk_dst

Event (pulse) synchronization

USB interface -- everything is in USB clock domain //

Control signal / status CDC //
USB clk -> sys clk

sys clk -> USB clk

CDC for event signals (arguably they are there for a long time so would be ok)
Just want a pulse to ensure only one interrupt for an event

Resume is a single pulse so needs pulsesync

resets etc cause the device address to clear

AV empty is a single pulse so needs pulsesync

RX full is a single pulse so needs pulsesync

TL-UL to SRAM adapter

SRAM Wrapper

Register module


sys clk -> USB clk