Entity: usbuart
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Description: USB UART top level wrapper file
Generic name |
Type |
Value |
Description |
NumAlerts |
logic [NumAlerts-1:0] |
undefined |
Port name |
Direction |
Type |
Description |
clk_i |
input |
rst_ni |
input |
Reset synchronized to clk_i |
clk_usb_48mhz_i |
input |
rst_usb_48mhz_ni |
input |
Reset synchronized to clk_usb_48mhz_i |
tl_i |
input |
Bus Interface |
tl_o |
output |
alert_rx_i |
input |
[NumAlerts-1:0] |
Alerts |
alert_tx_o |
output |
[NumAlerts-1:0] |
cio_usb_dp_i |
input |
Generic IO |
cio_usb_dp_o |
output |
cio_usb_dp_en_o |
output |
cio_usb_dn_i |
input |
cio_usb_dn_o |
output |
cio_usb_dn_en_o |
output |
cio_usb_sense_i |
input |
cio_pullup_o |
output |
cio_pullup_en_o |
output |
intr_tx_watermark_o |
output |
Interrupts |
intr_rx_watermark_o |
output |
intr_tx_overflow_o |
output |
intr_rx_overflow_o |
output |
intr_rx_frame_err_o |
output |
intr_rx_break_err_o |
output |
intr_rx_timeout_o |
output |
intr_rx_parity_err_o |
output |
Name |
Type |
Description |
alert_test |
logic [NumAlerts-1:0] |
alerts |
logic [NumAlerts-1:0] |
reg2hw |
usbuart_reg2hw_t |
hw2reg |
usbuart_hw2reg_t |
- usbuart_core: usbuart_core