Entity: axi_crossbar_wr
- File: axi_crossbar_wr.v
Language: Verilog 2001
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
S_COUNT | 4 | Number of AXI inputs (slave interfaces) | |
M_COUNT | 4 | Number of AXI outputs (master interfaces) | |
DATA_WIDTH | 32 | Width of data bus in bits | |
ADDR_WIDTH | 32 | Width of address bus in bits | |
STRB_WIDTH | undefined | Width of wstrb (width of data bus in words) | |
S_ID_WIDTH | 8 | Input ID field width (from AXI masters) | |
M_ID_WIDTH | S_ID_WIDTH+$clog2(S_COUNT) | Output ID field width (towards AXI slaves) Additional bits required for response routing | |
AWUSER_ENABLE | 0 | Propagate awuser signal | |
AWUSER_WIDTH | 1 | Width of awuser signal | |
WUSER_ENABLE | 0 | Propagate wuser signal | |
WUSER_WIDTH | 1 | Width of wuser signal | |
BUSER_ENABLE | 0 | Propagate buser signal | |
BUSER_WIDTH | 1 | Width of buser signal | |
S_THREADS | undefined | Number of concurrent unique IDs for each slave interface S_COUNT concatenated fields of 32 bits | |
S_ACCEPT | undefined | Number of concurrent operations for each slave interface S_COUNT concatenated fields of 32 bits | |
M_REGIONS | 1 | Number of regions per master interface | |
M_BASE_ADDR | 0 | Master interface base addresses M_COUNT concatenated fields of M_REGIONS concatenated fields of ADDR_WIDTH bits set to zero for default addressing based on M_ADDR_WIDTH | |
M_ADDR_WIDTH | undefined | Master interface address widths M_COUNT concatenated fields of M_REGIONS concatenated fields of 32 bits | |
M_CONNECT | undefined | Write connections between interfaces M_COUNT concatenated fields of S_COUNT bits | |
M_ISSUE | undefined | Number of concurrent operations for each master interface M_COUNT concatenated fields of 32 bits | |
M_SECURE | undefined | Secure master (fail operations based on awprot/arprot) M_COUNT bits | |
S_AW_REG_TYPE | undefined | Slave interface AW channel register type (input) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
S_W_REG_TYPE | undefined | Slave interface W channel register type (input) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
S_B_REG_TYPE | undefined | Slave interface B channel register type (output) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
M_AW_REG_TYPE | undefined | Master interface AW channel register type (output) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
M_W_REG_TYPE | undefined | Master interface W channel register type (output) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
M_B_REG_TYPE | undefined | Master interface B channel register type (input) 0 to bypass, 1 for simple buffer, 2 for skid buffer | |
CL_S_COUNT | $clog2(S_COUNT) | ||
CL_M_COUNT | $clog2(M_COUNT) | ||
M_COUNT_P1 | M_COUNT+1 | ||
CL_M_COUNT_P1 | $clog2(M_COUNT_P1) |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | input | wire | |
rst | input | wire | |
s_axi_awid | input | wire [S_COUNT*S_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | * AXI slave interfaces */ |
s_axi_awaddr | input | wire [S_COUNT*ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_awlen | input | wire [S_COUNT*8-1:0] | |
s_axi_awsize | input | wire [S_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
s_axi_awburst | input | wire [S_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
s_axi_awlock | input | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_awcache | input | wire [S_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
s_axi_awprot | input | wire [S_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
s_axi_awqos | input | wire [S_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
s_axi_awuser | input | wire [S_COUNT*AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_awvalid | input | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_awready | output | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_wdata | input | wire [S_COUNT*DATA_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_wstrb | input | wire [S_COUNT*STRB_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_wlast | input | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_wuser | input | wire [S_COUNT*WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_wvalid | input | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_wready | output | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_bid | output | wire [S_COUNT*S_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_bresp | output | wire [S_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
s_axi_buser | output | wire [S_COUNT*BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
s_axi_bvalid | output | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
s_axi_bready | input | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_awid | output | wire [M_COUNT*M_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | * AXI master interfaces */ |
m_axi_awaddr | output | wire [M_COUNT*ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_awlen | output | wire [M_COUNT*8-1:0] | |
m_axi_awsize | output | wire [M_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
m_axi_awburst | output | wire [M_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
m_axi_awlock | output | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_awcache | output | wire [M_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
m_axi_awprot | output | wire [M_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
m_axi_awqos | output | wire [M_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
m_axi_awregion | output | wire [M_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
m_axi_awuser | output | wire [M_COUNT*AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_awvalid | output | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_awready | input | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_wdata | output | wire [M_COUNT*DATA_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_wstrb | output | wire [M_COUNT*STRB_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_wlast | output | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_wuser | output | wire [M_COUNT*WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_wvalid | output | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_wready | input | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_bid | input | wire [M_COUNT*M_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_bresp | input | wire [M_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
m_axi_buser | input | wire [M_COUNT*BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
m_axi_bvalid | input | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
m_axi_bready | output | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] |
Name | Type | Description |
i | integer | |
int_s_axi_awid | wire [S_COUNT*S_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awaddr | wire [S_COUNT*ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awlen | wire [S_COUNT*8-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awsize | wire [S_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awburst | wire [S_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awlock | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awcache | wire [S_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awprot | wire [S_COUNT*3-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awqos | wire [S_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awregion | wire [S_COUNT*4-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awuser | wire [S_COUNT*AWUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awvalid | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_awready | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_awvalid | wire [S_COUNT*M_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_awready | wire [M_COUNT*S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wdata | wire [S_COUNT*DATA_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wstrb | wire [S_COUNT*STRB_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wlast | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wuser | wire [S_COUNT*WUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wvalid | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_s_axi_wready | wire [S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_wvalid | wire [S_COUNT*M_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_wready | wire [M_COUNT*S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_m_axi_bid | wire [M_COUNT*M_ID_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_m_axi_bresp | wire [M_COUNT*2-1:0] | |
int_m_axi_buser | wire [M_COUNT*BUSER_WIDTH-1:0] | |
int_m_axi_bvalid | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_m_axi_bready | wire [M_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_bvalid | wire [M_COUNT*S_COUNT-1:0] | |
int_axi_bready | wire [S_COUNT*M_COUNT-1:0] |