Type alias t_parameter

t_parameter: {
    datatype: e_parameter_data_type;
    default: string;
    description: string;
    paramtype: e_parameter_type;

A parameter is used for build- and run-time parameters, such as Verilog plusargs, VHDL generics, Verilog defines, Verilog parameters or any extra command-line options that should be sent to the simulation model. Different tools support different subsets of parameters. The list below describes valid parameter types

Type declaration

  • datatype: e_parameter_data_type

    Data type of the parameter. Valid values are bool, file, int, str. file is similar to str, but the value is treated as a path and converted to an absolute path

  • default: string

    Default value to use if user does not provide a value during the configure or run stages

  • description: string

    User-friendly description of the parameter

  • paramtype: e_parameter_type

    Type of parameter. Valid values are cmdlinearg, generic, plusarg, vlogparam, vlogdefine

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