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Getting started

TerosHDL attempts to recognize any state machines used in the Verilog/SV/VHDL code.

Included is a built in visualizer which allows you to view previously detected state machines.


Currently TerosHDL does not support all types of FSMs. Some not supported statements are:

  • case statement inside an if-else.
  • functions, procedures... inside FSM.


While having an HDL file open, you can click on the state machine viewer on the top right of the editor:

State Machine Viewer Button

This will pop up a new window with all of the state machines found in this file:

State Machine Window

When you click on one of the state arrows, or the state themselves; TerosHDL will highlight the corresponding code area which causes this change.


Any State machines that we're detected will also be added to the documentation of the file

Missing states

When there is a missing state in you FMS TerosHDL will alert you with. E.g:

State Machine Window

module verilog_sm (
input clk,
input rstn

wire push_a_done;
wire push_b_done;
wire new_data;
wire crc_done;

typedef enum logic[1:0] {IDLE,PUSH_A,PUSH_B,CRC} state_t;
state_t state;
state_t nextstate;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin
if (~rstn) begin
state <= IDLE;
else begin
state <= nextstate;

always_comb begin
case (state)
IDLE: if(new_data) nextstate = PUSH_A;
PUSH_A: begin
if(push_a_done) nextstate = PUSH_B;
else if (push_a_done&push_b_done) nextstate = CRC;
PUSH_B: if(push_b_done) nextstate = PUSH_M;
CRC: nextstate= IDLE;
default: nextstate = state;